June 28, 2005

  •  I haven’t posted in awhile. Alana and Tim came down on Saturday and we enjoyed some time together before they left for Cancun. They arrived there safely and are having a good time!

    We are really enjoying watching are godchildren and being  the parents to  6 little ones under the age of 7!!! They are all having a blast ! Gwenovere is getting us ready for the arrival of our little girl! All the boys just love her and can’t get enough of her!!! The boys are having a grand time! Fr. has taken them all to VBS the last two days and they love it! Gwen and I have been bonding over girl time while they boys are gone. She is a sweetie!   

    Here are our boys and their godbrothers on the first morning of VBS!!


     All the children the first day of VBS.


    Singing with Miss Dolores! Jonah is to her right and Nicholas to her left. Jonah is Miss Dolores’ love and the feeling is mutual! If only he was 70 years older!















Comments (10)

  • What sweet boys you have! I bet you can’t wait to add your sweet little girl to the mix… Where are preggo pictures of YOU?

  • We are in the midst of VBS too…. exhausting, but worth every minute of it!  :coolman:

  • The bowl cuts are adorable! :sunny:

  • Such great pictures!  I want to see preggo pics too!   :wink:

  • Yes, Lisa! Pics! Pics!!!  :)

  • Jennie and Tracy I wasn’t sure if you realized it but the other cuties are Alana’s children, our godchildren.  :sunny: (I didn’t say that in my original post, I added that later)

     :lol: Melody and Becky!! LOL!! I am not feeling too photogentic these days! :wink: I haven’t looked of felt like myself for months! I do like my maternity clothes though! Maybe I will just post some pictures of those without me in them!!!! Or I can post some pics of my first 3 pregnancies where I had more of a glow! :lol:

  • Aw Lisa it looks like you had a wonderful time with Alana’s family!! The children all look so happy together. :)

    Here’s another vote for some preggo pics!!! :laugh: Can we at the least see the ultrasound? Pretty please?

  • Preggo Pics! Preggo Pics! (the crowd chants with a roar  :lol:)

    I just got back from your OH/KY on Monday. I was going to email you to get together but I was with out a car while there and it sounds like you were busy too  :fun:

    Did you all go to the greek fest? I saw it on the news while I was there, It looked like more fun the the family reunion I was at  :rolleyes:

  •  :lol: We did go to the “Panagyri” with Tim and Alana for dinner at about 7. Anita I am sorry to hear your family reunion was a not so much fun. :(  It would have been great if you could have met up with us.  We just made a quick stop. We enjoyed some food showed Tim and Alana the Church did a bit of shopping the kids played a game each in the kiddie section and then we headed home. Tim and Alana had to get up at 4:30am for their flight at 7. The kids all got to bed way late like midnight late but they were very happy when they all woke up.  I didn’t attempt to take all 6 of them to Church preggie and by myself. The little one, Gwen, goes for a nap @ 11.

    Okay okay perhaps when we go to Florida and my swollen pregnant tired, hormonal faced  self is a bit tan I can come up with a preggie photo to post. Don’t count on it though! :lol:

  •  :sunny:Preggo pix, yes!! :sunny:

    Hey, that looks fun and chaotic!!! :lol:

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