Month: June 2005

  • Today is June 30th, the feast day of the Holy Apostles and my Birthday!!!! I have always enjoyed the date of my birthday!



    The Twelve Holy Apostles


    “O Holy Apostles, intercede to our merciful God,
    that He may grant our souls, forgiveness of sins.”

         - Apolytikion of the Twelve Apostles

    The Meeting of the Glorious and All-Praiseworthy 12 Apostles of Christ !

    The Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles: Peter, Andrew, James & John the sons of Zebedee, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Jude the brother of James, Simon & Matthias appears an ancient feast. Holy Church, honouring each of the 12 Apostles at a separate time of the year, from ancient times established a general commemoration of them on the day following after the commemoration of the Glorious and First-Ranked among the Apostles Peter and Paul (+c.67). An account about each of the Apostles is on the day of his individual commemoration: the Apostle Peter (+c.67; commemorated 29 June); the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (+62, commemorated 30 November); the Apostle James son of Zebedee (+44, commemorated 30 April); the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (+ early II Century, commemorated 26 September); Apostle Philip (commemorated 14 November); Apostle Bartholomew (commemorated 11 June); Apostle Thomas (commemorated 6 October); Apostle and Evangelist Matthew (+60, commemorated 16 November); Apostle James Alphaeus (commemorated 9 October); Apostle Jude, brother of the Lord (+c.80, commemorated 19 June); Apostle Simon Zelotes (commemorated 10 May); Apostle Matthias (+c.63, commemorated 9 August).


  •  I haven’t posted in awhile. Alana and Tim came down on Saturday and we enjoyed some time together before they left for Cancun. They arrived there safely and are having a good time!

    We are really enjoying watching are godchildren and being  the parents to  6 little ones under the age of 7!!! They are all having a blast ! Gwenovere is getting us ready for the arrival of our little girl! All the boys just love her and can’t get enough of her!!! The boys are having a grand time! Fr. has taken them all to VBS the last two days and they love it! Gwen and I have been bonding over girl time while they boys are gone. She is a sweetie!   

    Here are our boys and their godbrothers on the first morning of VBS!!


     All the children the first day of VBS.


    Singing with Miss Dolores! Jonah is to her right and Nicholas to her left. Jonah is Miss Dolores’ love and the feeling is mutual! If only he was 70 years older!















  • I haven’t had a chance to scan in the ultra sound photos in to my computer yet. But meanwhile, and I am sure many have you have seen this before, I thought I would share this.

    I just love it. Especially the music! The boys or at least Basil would like to be in the delivery room. I would love that too. Pray that it all works out. I don’t like a roomful of people. It is usually just the midwife , my husband and a nurse, so we shall see.

  • I had my 20 week  ultra sound today!!!


    It’s a

    GIRL!!!! Very Happy

    I am really, really surprised! (but the boys aren’t, they were certain it was a girl! Wink ) We keep teasing Jonah that he REALLY is a Prophet!!! LOL! Laughing

    Not quite sure what to make of the news, it will take some getting use to!! Makes sense though since I have so many different pregnancy symptoms than I did with the boys.

    Bring on the pink!!! Wink

    I also have more good news! Baby is perfectly healthy and I am due Oct. 18th not Nov. 1st . I am actually a few weeks more pregnant than I thought I was! Another cool thing is October 18th is my YiaYia’s (grandmother) birthday. May her memory be eternal! I never knew my mother’s mom but everyone tells me I am just like her!!

     Thank you all for your prayers!!! Very Happy

  • This could not have come into my in-box at a better time. Let’s just say there are times when it can be a huge cross to be a priest’s wife and a clergy family.  I am very excited about the new board.   It has grown so quickly!  What a blessing you all are!! 


               On Love and Forgiveness towards the Brethren


         Blessed is he who endures the harsh words of his brother in silence and circumspection lest there be hatred or criticism or rancor in his heart. He resembles Christ, Whom when He was casting out demons from people, the Jews criticized by saying, “He casts out demons by the ruler of the demons,” (Mt.9:34) and He has a demon. Why do you listen to him?” (Jn.10:20)

         Do you see, my child, that they said such things even to Christ? Therefore, do not be upset. If you are patient, if you humble yourself and say, “Indeed, I have many demons—since every passion is a demon—and I am just as my brother says, and even worse”; if you try to love and obey him, the day will come when you will be freed from the passions, and then Christ will reign in your heart and give you the priceless peace of God.


     Taken from:

    Counsels from the Holy Mountain: Selected from the Letters and Homilies of Elder
    by Elder Ephraim

  • The new board is coming along! It is so nice to see so many of you there!! I look forward to your posts!  Please know that you do not have to be an Orthodox Christian to post! Everyone is welcome! Questions are welcome!!

    Please use the new address,

    we started with this address

    but now have a domain name. Please make sure the new address is the one you use in all your links, favorites etc.. For those of you that were having trouble logging in today try the new address and delete the old. Thanks I hope that helps!

    Let me know if you have any problems or questions.


  • Just a quick post to say  Fr. got home safely and my friend from Church just set up a new board for  Orthodox Christians and those interested in Orthodoxy! Everyone is welcomed!

    It is a pretty cool board with lots of neat topics!

    Here is the link:

    Let me know what you think about the new board  and thank you to all those that were praying for Fr. and me .

  • I miss my husband! Fr. has managed to call everyday , so that has been nice. Tomorrow he will visit  several friends of ours that live in Nicosia . Today he told me that this phase of the dialouge will be ending next June with the final meetings being held in London. A family trip to London sounds GREAT!!  We really miss the monastery in Essex and all our friends. I would love all the children to be able to go back to England next year and benefit from the monastery and enjoy all our friend’s children too! They are all so dear to us!!

    I have a ton of people to e-mail back , sorry to those that  haven’t heard back from me.  I don’t have anything interesting to post. There is nothing new here. I am just busy with my children, my house and all that needs to get done. I am also not walking too well, my legs feel like they could crack off my body at any moment. My legs pop out of their joints. I had this with Jonah  but not until the last month or so (he was a couple ounces short of 11lbs.).  There are moments when I can’t walk at all, especially if I sit for too long. I think driving really aggravates it too. I really over did it last week. After four months of doing almost nothing and having Fr. look after me  to a week were I hardly rested at all.

     Alana I am looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks and having your children with us while you are in Cancun. Our boys are going to have a great time together and it will be so cute to see Fr. take them all to VBS!  I am also really looking forward to caring for little Gwen, my boys are going to really make over her!  They want a girl baby so badly. We will know in a week. I have my ultrasound on Monday June 13th.

    Linda and AJ your packages are still sitting here waiting to be mailed. Tamara I promised to get something out to you too one day. Danielle it was great to hear from you!  Pray that Fr. gets home safely, only 3 more days to go!! The boys are really missing their Baba’ too!! Thank God for Basil he has been the BIGGEST help!!!